DynAtomic Video Tutorials

Here is a list of some video tutorials. For more informations see our forum.

  1. Basic Simulation
  2. Changes dynamic properties by using 3D paint
  3. Realtime Editing
  4. Stacking soft and rigid objects
  5. Cloth and soft bodies interacting
  6. Deforming and reforming
  7. Using physic to control lattice mapped objects
  8. Simulating balloons
  9. Simulating realistic skin-muscle deformations by using passive points

Basic Simulation

Basic realtime soft body simulation with cache saving enabled. DynAtomic let you change objects property in realtime to quick test the simulation result.



Changes dynamic properties by using 3D paint

In DynAtomic any property can be painted interactively in 3D and the result are shown in realtime.



Realtime Editing

In DynAtomic all is dynamic. Objects can be created, modified and added to the system in realime while simulating.



Stacking soft and rigid objects

A simple stack can be made quickly even mixing soft and semi/rigid body. Mass also play a role in this sample. Obviously In realtime.



Cloth and softbodies interacting

This video show how cloth objects and soft objects can interact togheter using realtime editing.



Deforming and reforming

This sample show how a soft object properties can be modified to achieve particular deformations. After the changes the famous head will return to it's original form. (Head model courtesy of Realsoft).



Using physics to control lattice mapped objects

This sample show a nurbs curve deforming a lattice mapped cylinder. The nurbs curve itself is animated using DynAtomic. WIth a simple setup any objects can get involved in dynamics.




Simulating Balloons

This sample show how it is possible to make a realistic balloons simulation by using soft objects.



Simulating realistic skin-muscle deformations by using passive points

This sample show how a realistic skin-muscle deformation can be achieved by using soft objects and the Passive points feature of DynAtomic.

The skin is first attached to a skeleton deformer like the usual way then a soft object was created from it. (The order doesn't matter).

3D paint was used to make the interested points not passive (Or partially passive) so they can participate in the dynamic simulation.

By adjusting stiffness and damping a more accurate result can be achieved.


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